BABIES - definitie. Wat is BABIES
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Wat (wie) is BABIES - definitie

Infancy; Neonate; Neonatal; Newborn; Newborn infant; Infants; Newborn babies; Newborn baby; Neonates; Neonatus; Baby; Human baby; Babies; BABY; Infanthood; Baby Related; Baby related; Newborn children; Human infant; Newborns; New borns; Newborn infants; Babby; New-borns; 👶; 🚼; Infant height; Infant size; Newborn height; Newborn size; Infant vital signs; Infant vital parameters; Infantile; Infants’ health; Neonatal disease; Newborn child; Babyhood (infancy); Babyhood; Hungry baby; 👶🏻; 👶🏼; 👶🏽; 👶🏾; 👶🏿; Neonatal period
  • An infant holding a space-themed [[baby book]]
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  • Thin brown hair of a one-year-old infant girl
  • An infant being immunized in [[Bangladesh]]
  • sororal twin]] sisters
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  • A baby being hugged by a [[soldier]]
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  • A sleeping infant
  • A newborn infant being held by an adult [[man]]
  • An infant from Uganda playing with stoves
  • A crying infant in Japan in the [[Naki Sumo Crying Baby Festival]]

·pl of Baby.
·noun A small image of an infant; a doll.
II. Baby ·noun An infant or young child of either sex; a babe.
III. Baby ·adj Pertaining to, or resembling, an infant; young or little; as, baby swans.
IV. Baby ·vi To treat like a young child; to keep dependent; to Humor; to Fondle.
1) (of a woman) to have a baby
2) (of a woman) to carry a baby (a pregnant woman carries a baby for nine months; to carry a baby to term)
3) (of a mother) to nurse a baby
4) (of a midwife, nurse, doctor) to deliver a baby
5) (of a clergyman) to baptize a baby
6) to change a baby ('to change the baby's diaper/nappy')
7) to calm, comfort, hush a baby
8) to lull; put; rock a baby to sleep
9) to diaper (AE); swaddle a baby
10) to wean a baby
11) to bubble (AE), burp a baby
12) a blue; full-term; newborn; premature; stillborn; test-tube; thalidomide baby
13) a baby babbles, coos; bawls; burps; crawls, creeps; cries; drools; teethes; throws up; toddles; whimpers



An infant or baby is the very young offspring of human beings. Infant (from the Latin word infans, meaning 'unable to speak' or 'speechless') is a formal or specialised synonym for the common term baby. The terms may also be used to refer to juveniles of other organisms. A newborn is, in colloquial use, an infant who is only hours, days, or up to one month old. In medical contexts, a newborn or neonate (from Latin, neonatus, newborn) is an infant in the first 28 days after birth; the term applies to premature, full term, and postmature infants.

Before birth, the offspring is called a fetus. The term infant is typically applied to very young children under one year of age; however, definitions may vary and may include children up to two years of age. When a human child learns to walk, they are called a toddler instead.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor BABIES
1. many babies, few babies.
2. babies.
Mercy for Animals _ Nathan Runkle _ Talks at Google
3. babies.
Over My Shoulder _ Kacey Ruegsegger Johnson _ Talks at Google
4. babies.
Mental Health in the NBA _ Keyon Dooling _ Talks at Google
5. babies.
The Dragon Behind the Glass _ Emily Voigt _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor BABIES
1. There were twice as many babies with cerebral palsy born to infertile couples – about 10 babies compared with four babies of healthy couples.
2. They usually abandon the babies,‘‘ said the nurse. We don‘t know if the babies survive.
3. "Some women had babies in the camp, and the Germans threw the babies away.
4. This is because women are having babies later and because the babies themselves are becoming bigger.
5. All mothers want people to admire their babies because all babies are beautiful.